Steven Eng
Worshipful Brother Steve Eng is one of the longest serving Past Masters of St. Paul's. During his time in the East he had a simple goal of promoting and supporting our gentle craft as well as raising quality Master Masons that would stand the test of time and ensure the continuity of our fraternity. One of the achievements during WB Eng's term was the creation of the Alfred Ellis Fund which was designed to support the children of the East Bay District in regards to educational material such as school books.
Most of the officers that served with WB Steve Eng are still rotating through the chairs and include Worshipful Brother JC Redfearn, Bro. Charles O'Hara, and Worshipful Dave Brown, just to name a few. It should be noted that during his tenure he was often seen cooking meals for the meetings including the dinner served on the night he was elected to Worshipful Master. From chicken pot pie to filet mignon, the comforts of a fresh meal prepared in house provided a nice backdrop to the fellowship among the brothers in the dining hall.
In addition to his blue lodge, WB Eng is a member of the Scottish Rite and R.I. Shriners, he often visited other lodges throughout this Grand Jurisdiction and continues to be an active member of St. Paul's #14