John G. Shaw, II
Brother John G. Shaw, II was elected Worshipful Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 on January 25, 2023. In addition to his duties within the lodge, Bro. Shaw is also a member of the Scottish Rite, Valley of Providence and a member of the York Rite where he continues to serve in various positions.
John G. Shaw, II
Brother John G. Shaw, II was elected Worshipful Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 on January 25, 2023. In addition to his duties within the lodge, Bro. Shaw is also a member of the Scottish Rite, Valley of Providence and a member of the York Rite where he continues to serve in various positions.
David C. Lavery
Brother David C. Lavery was elected Worshipful Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 on January 25, 2019. Prior to becoming a member of this lodge, Bro. Lavery served as Worshipful Master of St. John's Lodge #1 in Portsmouth, RI and was appointed Grand Historian for the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island. Additionally, he has also served as the Chancellor of the COLLEGIVM LVMINOSO, the research lodge of Rhode Island.
During his time in the East, the focus was on many facets of Freemasonry and highlighting many of the lost traditions and aspects of colonial masonry. Away from the Lodge, he was very active in his other responsibilities within the Jurisdiction and reaching to the brothers of St. Paul's where ever so dispersed. An avid home brewer, many of us have had the opportunity to sample his other craft and enjoy some great discussions.
David C. Lavery
Brother David C. Lavery was elected Worshipful Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 on January 25, 2019. Prior to becoming a member of this lodge, Bro. Lavery served as Worshipful Master of St. John's Lodge #1 in Portsmouth, RI and was appointed Grand Historian for the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island. Additionally, he has also served as the Chancellor of the COLLEGIVM LVMINOSO, the research lodge of Rhode Island.
During his time in the East, the focus was on many facets of Freemasonry and highlighting many of the lost traditions and aspects of colonial masonry. Away from the Lodge, he was very active in his other responsibilities within the Jurisdiction and reaching to the brothers of St. Paul's where ever so dispersed. An avid home brewer, many of us have had the opportunity to sample his other craft and enjoy some great discussions.
Joshua P. Manfredo
2018, 2020, 2021, 2025
Brother Joshua Manfredo was elected Worshipful Master in 2018, at that time, becoming the youngest Master of the lodge in it's 201 year history. His year was marked with a dedication to unity and brotherhood. With that simple goal in mind, Brother Manfredo hosted many presentations and events that tied in those values. By the end of his term, he transformed meetings to be both efficient and of great value to the brethren assembled. His favorite events included a successful summer BBQ, visitations to lodges, and participating in the several events of other lodges.
In 2020, St. Paul’s Lodge #14 elected Brother Manfredo to again take the helm of the lodge. He would soon find himself leading the lodge through the COVID-19 Pandemic. Faced with the challenges brought on by this virus, Bro. Manfredo quickly transitioned to using newer technologies to host social events and meetings. When conditions allowed for in person meetings to resume, he used his professional experience to formulate plans and procedures in order to ensure the safety of the brothers while meeting. This new format came with some challenges, however, even with reduced attendance, and limited opportunities to engage the brothers in person, Bro. Manfredo worked to continue the traditions from his first year and bring masonic light to the brothers. He reintroduced the lodge to a mentor program with the assistance of his Secretary, and worked to bring about changes to the functions of the lodge in terms of finances, education, and administrative work.
On January 25, 2021, St. Paul’s Lodge #14 again looked to Brother Manfredo to take the position of Master along with many of the existing officers. Coming off the heels of COVID-19 the lodge worked diligently to perform degree work and reinvigorate the brothers in the pursuits of the craft. St. Paul's was fortunate during this year to raise several new brothers to the degree of Master Mason, reintroduce social events, and strengthen the bonds of brotherhood. Under the administration of Bro. Manfredo, the lodge continued to improve its functioning by updating its bylaws, establishing an investigation committee under the direction of the Grand Lodge. Bro. Manfredo was also selected to continue serving (appointed in 2020) on the Grand Lodge Leadership Committee, tasked with developing education and training programs to help the future leaders of lodges in Rhode Island.
Outside of the lodge, Bro. Manfredo is an Emergency Manager with a focus in Higher Education, an avid camper, mountain biker, homebrewer and kayaker. He has served as Treasurer of the Oakland Beach Volunteer Fire Co. (social organization), Communications Committee member of SHIP, and the founder, producer, and sound editor of several podcasts.
Masonic Affiliations:
- Grand Lodge of Rhode Island Masonic Charities Board of Managers - Member (2022-2025)
- Valley of Providence, Scottish Rite (Northern Masonic Jurisdiction)
- Sword of Bunker Hill, Gaspee Chapter #99
- The Masonic Society

Coat of Arms of Bro. Joshua Manfredo
Arms: Vert, a stag, trippant regardent Argent, a quarter sun issuant sinister chief Or.
Crest: On a wreath of the colors Argent and Vert, A demi stag Argent, holding between its forelegs a brick tower Gules
Motto: Solis Ortum Conspicere
Joshua P. Manfredo
2018, 2020, 2021, 2025
Brother Joshua Manfredo was elected Worshipful Master in 2018, at that time, becoming the youngest Master of the lodge in it's 201 year history. His year was marked with a dedication to unity and brotherhood. With that simple goal in mind, Brother Manfredo hosted many presentations and events that tied in those values. By the end of his term, he transformed meetings to be both efficient and of great value to the brethren assembled. His favorite events included a successful summer BBQ, visitations to lodges, and participating in the several events of other lodges.
In 2020, St. Paul’s Lodge #14 elected Brother Manfredo to again take the helm of the lodge. He would soon find himself leading the lodge through the COVID-19 Pandemic. Faced with the challenges brought on by this virus, Bro. Manfredo quickly transitioned to using newer technologies to host social events and meetings. When conditions allowed for in person meetings to resume, he used his professional experience to formulate plans and procedures in order to ensure the safety of the brothers while meeting. This new format came with some challenges, however, even with reduced attendance, and limited opportunities to engage the brothers in person, Bro. Manfredo worked to continue the traditions from his first year and bring masonic light to the brothers. He reintroduced the lodge to a mentor program with the assistance of his Secretary, and worked to bring about changes to the functions of the lodge in terms of finances, education, and administrative work.
On January 25, 2021, St. Paul’s Lodge #14 again looked to Brother Manfredo to take the position of Master along with many of the existing officers. Coming off the heels of COVID-19 the lodge worked diligently to perform degree work and reinvigorate the brothers in the pursuits of the craft. St. Paul's was fortunate during this year to raise several new brothers to the degree of Master Mason, reintroduce social events, and strengthen the bonds of brotherhood. Under the administration of Bro. Manfredo, the lodge continued to improve its functioning by updating its bylaws, establishing an investigation committee under the direction of the Grand Lodge. Bro. Manfredo was also selected to continue serving (appointed in 2020) on the Grand Lodge Leadership Committee, tasked with developing education and training programs to help the future leaders of lodges in Rhode Island.
Outside of the lodge, Bro. Manfredo is an Emergency Manager with a focus in Higher Education, an avid camper, mountain biker, homebrewer and kayaker. He has served as Treasurer of the Oakland Beach Volunteer Fire Co. (social organization), Communications Committee member of SHIP, and the founder, producer, and sound editor of several podcasts.
Masonic Affiliations:
- Grand Lodge of Rhode Island Masonic Charities Board of Managers - Member (2022-2025)
- Valley of Providence, Scottish Rite (Northern Masonic Jurisdiction)
- Sword of Bunker Hill, Gaspee Chapter #99
- The Masonic Society

Coat of Arms of Bro. Joshua Manfredo
Arms: Vert, a stag, trippant regardent Argent, a quarter sun issuant sinister chief Or.
Crest: On a wreath of the colors Argent and Vert, A demi stag Argent, holding between its forelegs a brick tower Gules
Motto: Solis Ortum Conspicere
Charles E. O’Hara IV
2017, 2022
Charles E. O'Hara IV, was duly elected as the Worshipful Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 in 2017, which itself was an interesting year for the Lodge. The 200th anniversary of St. Paul's coincided during WB O'Hara's term in the East. Never one to miss an opportunity, the lodge held several events to celebrate the occasion. This included several building improvement projects, the commissioning of a wall painting, and a cornerstone re-dedication with clambake dinner.
In addition to his membership of St. Paul's, O'Hara is a 32nd degree Scottish Rite and likes to assist as much as possible in their programs. A resident of Newport, RI, Charles is not hard to miss, he can usually be seen assisting in the kitchen and welcoming the new brethren into the lodge. His interest include real estate holdings and collecting antique music pieces as well as the music itself.
Charles E. O’Hara IV
2017, 2022
Charles E. O'Hara IV, was duly elected as the Worshipful Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 in 2017, which itself was an interesting year for the Lodge. The 200th anniversary of St. Paul's coincided during WB O'Hara's term in the East. Never one to miss an opportunity, the lodge held several events to celebrate the occasion. This included several building improvement projects, the commissioning of a wall painting, and a cornerstone re-dedication with clambake dinner.
In addition to his membership of St. Paul's, O'Hara is a 32nd degree Scottish Rite and likes to assist as much as possible in their programs. A resident of Newport, RI, Charles is not hard to miss, he can usually be seen assisting in the kitchen and welcoming the new brethren into the lodge. His interest include real estate holdings and collecting antique music pieces as well as the music itself.
Andrew Daigle
Brother Andrew Daigle was elected Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 for 2016. During his time in the East, Worshipful Brother Daigle oversaw several degrees including 2 Entered Apprentice Degrees and a joint Master Mason degree with St. Alban's Lodge #6. In preparation for the Lodge's 200th anniversary, he set the stage by appointing an active committee to put plans in place and to mark the historic occasion. Many of the programs for the Lodge included spreading light on the Masonic Restoration Movement and by-laws and constitution of the Grand Lodge. Outside of the Lodge, he graciously hosted a BBQ at his home and directed that several social functions take place to bring the brethren together.
In addition to St. Paul's Lodge, WB Daigle is a member of St. Alban's Lodge #6 and St. John's Lodge #1. Past Assistant Grand Lecturer, and a member of concordant bodies.
Andrew Daigle
Brother Andrew Daigle was elected Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 for 2016. During his time in the East, Worshipful Brother Daigle oversaw several degrees including 2 Entered Apprentice Degrees and a joint Master Mason degree with St. Alban's Lodge #6. In preparation for the Lodge's 200th anniversary, he set the stage by appointing an active committee to put plans in place and to mark the historic occasion. Many of the programs for the Lodge included spreading light on the Masonic Restoration Movement and by-laws and constitution of the Grand Lodge. Outside of the Lodge, he graciously hosted a BBQ at his home and directed that several social functions take place to bring the brethren together.
In addition to St. Paul's Lodge, WB Daigle is a member of St. Alban's Lodge #6 and St. John's Lodge #1. Past Assistant Grand Lecturer, and a member of concordant bodies.
David A. Brown
David A. Brown, elected Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 for 2015, brought in continued excitement and youth into the lodge. During his tenure, work was continued on building upgrades including kitchen equipment, painting and building repairs. Worshipful Brother Dave presided over several degree conferments and saw a rise in applications to join St. Paul's Lodge.
WB Brown once had aspirations as a baseball player before an injury sidelined him. However, that hasn't stopped his zeal in helping the lodge.
David A. Brown
David A. Brown, elected Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 for 2015, brought in continued excitement and youth into the lodge. During his tenure, work was continued on building upgrades including kitchen equipment, painting and building repairs. Worshipful Brother Dave presided over several degree conferments and saw a rise in applications to join St. Paul's Lodge.
WB Brown once had aspirations as a baseball player before an injury sidelined him. However, that hasn't stopped his zeal in helping the lodge.
JC Redfearn
2013 - 2014
JC Redfearn was elected Worshipful Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 in 2013. Rising through the chairs rapidly, W.B. Redfearn brought revitalized energy and excitement to St. Paul's. Among many things, he set the craft to work on many building improvements including roof repairs and new kitchen appliances. New life and new members brought into the lodge during his time in the East has made St. Paul's a fun and enjoyable lodge to be part of. One of JC's greatest accomplishments brought St. Paul's into the digital age by creating its first official website.
WB Redfearn is a regular in the lodge and often assists in the upkeep of the exterior including clearing the grounds of snow and other projects.
JC Redfearn
2013 - 2014
JC Redfearn was elected Worshipful Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 in 2013. Rising through the chairs rapidly, W.B. Redfearn brought revitalized energy and excitement to St. Paul's. Among many things, he set the craft to work on many building improvements including roof repairs and new kitchen appliances. New life and new members brought into the lodge during his time in the East has made St. Paul's a fun and enjoyable lodge to be part of. One of JC's greatest accomplishments brought St. Paul's into the digital age by creating its first official website.
WB Redfearn is a regular in the lodge and often assists in the upkeep of the exterior including clearing the grounds of snow and other projects.
Steven Eng
2009 - 2012
Worshipful Brother Steve Eng is one of the longest serving Past Masters of St. Paul's. During his time in the East he had a simple goal of promoting and supporting our gentle craft as well as raising quality Master Masons that would stand the test of time and ensure the continuity of our fraternity. One of the achievements during WB Eng's term was the creation of the Alfred Ellis Fund which was designed to support the children of the East Bay District in regards to educational material such as school books.
Most of the officers that served with WB Steve Eng are still rotating through the chairs and include Worshipful Brother JC Redfearn, Bro. Charles O'Hara, and Worshipful Dave Brown, just to name a few. It should be noted that during his tenure he was often seen cooking meals for the meetings including the dinner served on the night he was elected to Worshipful Master. From chicken pot pie to filet mignon, the comforts of a fresh meal prepared in house provided a nice backdrop to the fellowship among the brothers in the dining hall.
In addition to his blue lodge, WB Eng is a member of the Scottish Rite and R.I. Shriners, he often visited other lodges throughout this Grand Jurisdiction and continues to be an active member of St. Paul's #14
Steven Eng
2009 - 2012
Worshipful Brother Steve Eng is one of the longest serving Past Masters of St. Paul's. During his time in the East he had a simple goal of promoting and supporting our gentle craft as well as raising quality Master Masons that would stand the test of time and ensure the continuity of our fraternity. One of the achievements during WB Eng's term was the creation of the Alfred Ellis Fund which was designed to support the children of the East Bay District in regards to educational material such as school books.
Most of the officers that served with WB Steve Eng are still rotating through the chairs and include Worshipful Brother JC Redfearn, Bro. Charles O'Hara, and Worshipful Dave Brown, just to name a few. It should be noted that during his tenure he was often seen cooking meals for the meetings including the dinner served on the night he was elected to Worshipful Master. From chicken pot pie to filet mignon, the comforts of a fresh meal prepared in house provided a nice backdrop to the fellowship among the brothers in the dining hall.
In addition to his blue lodge, WB Eng is a member of the Scottish Rite and R.I. Shriners, he often visited other lodges throughout this Grand Jurisdiction and continues to be an active member of St. Paul's #14
Gary R. Frye
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Gary R. Frye
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Norman E. Hitchcock
Norman E. Hitchcock
Gardner C. Sconyers, Jr.
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Worshipful Brother Gardner "Cy" Sconyers was born in Handley, TX where he eventually joined the U.S. Navy serving in Korea and elsewhere during his career. Of note, Cy, was involved in the recovery mission of the USS Thresher. Many may remember Thresher as the fastest, quietest submarine in the world when it was built, however, tragically it was lost on April 9, 1963. After his time serving in the Navy, he continued through the Merchant Marines before ultimately working at NUSC (Now NUWC, Newport). Here he helped to develop the Mark 48 torpedo program, and many engineers who knew Cy can trace their work back to his.
Since being raised a Master Mason in 1982, Cy had always maintained a very active presence, serving as the Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 twice and also the Scottish Rite, where he was coroneted a 33 degree, one of the highest honors of the Scottish Rite, as well as St. John's Commandery Knights Templar.
In addition to his masonic duties, Cy was also active as a volunteer with the Newport Little League and a member of St. George's Episcopal Church (Newport).
Worshipful Brother Sconyers left quite a mark on the members of St. Paul's Lodge #14 and we are proud to have had him as a member of our lodge.
Gardner C. Sconyers, Jr.
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Worshipful Brother Gardner "Cy" Sconyers was born in Handley, TX where he eventually joined the U.S. Navy serving in Korea and elsewhere during his career. Of note, Cy, was involved in the recovery mission of the USS Thresher. Many may remember Thresher as the fastest, quietest submarine in the world when it was built, however, tragically it was lost on April 9, 1963. After his time serving in the Navy, he continued through the Merchant Marines before ultimately working at NUSC (Now NUWC, Newport). Here he helped to develop the Mark 48 torpedo program, and many engineers who knew Cy can trace their work back to his.
Since being raised a Master Mason in 1982, Cy had always maintained a very active presence, serving as the Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 twice and also the Scottish Rite, where he was coroneted a 33 degree, one of the highest honors of the Scottish Rite, as well as St. John's Commandery Knights Templar.
In addition to his masonic duties, Cy was also active as a volunteer with the Newport Little League and a member of St. George's Episcopal Church (Newport).
Worshipful Brother Sconyers left quite a mark on the members of St. Paul's Lodge #14 and we are proud to have had him as a member of our lodge.
Alfred W. Ellis, Jr.
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Alfred W. Ellis, Jr.
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
R.W. John C. Beebe, lll
R.W. John C. Beebe, lll
Larry Dennis
2002 - 2003
Larry Dennis
2002 - 2003
Job A Palaya
Worshipful Brother Job Palaya was Master of St. Paul's in 2001, in addition to being a Past Master of St. Paul's #14, he is also a Past Master of St. John's #1 in Portsmouth.
Always positive and full of energy, many of WB Job's stories are from his naval past, serving aboard many different ships and the Navy Base in Newport, RI. A real traveler Job has been to many overseas lodges including those in the Philippines where he maintains a healthy relationship.
Truly a Master Mason, WB Job continues to work in support of the craft in whatever capacity that is required, he has served as a officer of the lodge not only in his initial line, but for many of the Masters after him.
Job A Palaya
Worshipful Brother Job Palaya was Master of St. Paul's in 2001, in addition to being a Past Master of St. Paul's #14, he is also a Past Master of St. John's #1 in Portsmouth.
Always positive and full of energy, many of WB Job's stories are from his naval past, serving aboard many different ships and the Navy Base in Newport, RI. A real traveler Job has been to many overseas lodges including those in the Philippines where he maintains a healthy relationship.
Truly a Master Mason, WB Job continues to work in support of the craft in whatever capacity that is required, he has served as a officer of the lodge not only in his initial line, but for many of the Masters after him.
Donald E. Sly, Jr.
1999 - 2000
Donald E. Sly, Jr.
1999 - 2000
Daniel P. Titus
1998, 2024
Brother Daniel P. Titus was first elected Worshipful Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 in 1998 following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather who also once sat in the East. In addition to serving as Master of St. Paul's Lodge, Bro. Titus also has the distinction of serving as a Master of the oldest lodge in Rhode Island, St. John's Lodge #1.
His dedication to the craft brought him back when called to serve a second term as Master for 2024.
Daniel P. Titus
1998, 2024
Brother Daniel P. Titus was first elected Worshipful Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 in 1998 following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather who also once sat in the East. In addition to serving as Master of St. Paul's Lodge, Bro. Titus also has the distinction of serving as a Master of the oldest lodge in Rhode Island, St. John's Lodge #1.
His dedication to the craft brought him back when called to serve a second term as Master for 2024.
John R. Titus
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
John R. Titus
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
James E. Hilton
James E. Hilton
John R. Titus
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
John R. Titus
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Gardner C. Sconyers, Jr.
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Worshipful Brother Gardner "Cy" Sconyers was born in Handley, TX where he eventually joined the U.S. Navy serving in Korea and elsewhere during his career. Of note, Cy, was involved in the recovery mission of the USS Thresher. Many may remember Thresher as the fastest, quietest submarine in the world when it was built, however, tragically it was lost on April 9, 1963. After his time serving in the Navy, he continued through the Merchant Marines before ultimately working at NUSC (Now NUWC, Newport). Here he helped to develop the Mark 48 torpedo program, and many engineers who knew Cy can trace their work back to his.
Since being raised a Master Mason in 1982, Cy had always maintained a very active presence, serving as the Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 twice and also the Scottish Rite, where he was coroneted a 33 degree, one of the highest honors of the Scottish Rite, as well as St. John's Commandery Knights Templar.
In addition to his masonic duties, Cy was also active as a volunteer with the Newport Little League and a member of St. George's Episcopal Church (Newport).
Worshipful Brother Sconyers left quite a mark on the members of St. Paul's Lodge #14 and we are proud to have had him as a member of our lodge.
Gardner C. Sconyers, Jr.
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Worshipful Brother Gardner "Cy" Sconyers was born in Handley, TX where he eventually joined the U.S. Navy serving in Korea and elsewhere during his career. Of note, Cy, was involved in the recovery mission of the USS Thresher. Many may remember Thresher as the fastest, quietest submarine in the world when it was built, however, tragically it was lost on April 9, 1963. After his time serving in the Navy, he continued through the Merchant Marines before ultimately working at NUSC (Now NUWC, Newport). Here he helped to develop the Mark 48 torpedo program, and many engineers who knew Cy can trace their work back to his.
Since being raised a Master Mason in 1982, Cy had always maintained a very active presence, serving as the Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 twice and also the Scottish Rite, where he was coroneted a 33 degree, one of the highest honors of the Scottish Rite, as well as St. John's Commandery Knights Templar.
In addition to his masonic duties, Cy was also active as a volunteer with the Newport Little League and a member of St. George's Episcopal Church (Newport).
Worshipful Brother Sconyers left quite a mark on the members of St. Paul's Lodge #14 and we are proud to have had him as a member of our lodge.
R.W. David Melosh
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
R.W. David Melosh
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Clyde Bertrand
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Clyde Bertrand
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Gary R. Frye
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Gary R. Frye
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
R.W. Alfred M. Cameron
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Brother Alfred M. Cameron was elected Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 on January 25, 1990. After his term in the East, Brother Cameron eventually became Chaplain of St. Paul's Lodge for many years and in fact served as the Associate Grand Chaplain within the East Bay District. He was affectionately dubbed "Everyone's Chaplain" as there was rarely Stated Communication in which Bro. Cameron was not in attendance.
Brother Cameron served in the US Navy beginning in 1956 and received an honorable discharge in February 1963. After which he went to work for Electric Boat for another 21 years. He was a choir member of his church, a Eucharistic Minister, and belonged to not just St. Paul's Lodge, but also a member of the Royal Arch Masons, Web Council #3, and Calvary Commandery #13 Knights Templar.
R.W. Alfred M. Cameron
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Brother Alfred M. Cameron was elected Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 on January 25, 1990. After his term in the East, Brother Cameron eventually became Chaplain of St. Paul's Lodge for many years and in fact served as the Associate Grand Chaplain within the East Bay District. He was affectionately dubbed "Everyone's Chaplain" as there was rarely Stated Communication in which Bro. Cameron was not in attendance.
Brother Cameron served in the US Navy beginning in 1956 and received an honorable discharge in February 1963. After which he went to work for Electric Boat for another 21 years. He was a choir member of his church, a Eucharistic Minister, and belonged to not just St. Paul's Lodge, but also a member of the Royal Arch Masons, Web Council #3, and Calvary Commandery #13 Knights Templar.
Dennis R. Moss
Dennis R. Moss
William T. Swartz
William T. Swartz
Gary R. Frye
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Gary R. Frye
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Charl R.W. Davidson
Charl R.W. Davidson
Charles A. Foutz, lll
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
1984 - 1985
Bro. Foutz was initiated on February 4, 1975, Passed to the degree of Fellowcraft on March 4, 1975, and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on April 1, 1975 and signed the bylaws of this lodge on May 6, 1975. Bro. Foutz served as Master from January 25, 1984 and served two consecutive terms. He also affiliated with St. Johns' Lodge #1 on March 12, 1984
Charles A. Foutz, lll
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
1984 - 1985
Bro. Foutz was initiated on February 4, 1975, Passed to the degree of Fellowcraft on March 4, 1975, and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on April 1, 1975 and signed the bylaws of this lodge on May 6, 1975. Bro. Foutz served as Master from January 25, 1984 and served two consecutive terms. He also affiliated with St. Johns' Lodge #1 on March 12, 1984
R.W. Henry A. Blake, Jr.
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Worshipful Brother Henry Blake is a a two time Past Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14, most recently in 1983. Considered by many in the lodge to be a calm voice of reason and experience. After his terms of office delighted his brethren with his musical talents by being appointed musical director. A typical night at the lodge would see WB Blake playing the organ between discussions. In addition to his service as Master and Musical Director, he served the Grand Lodge as a Masonic Forum Instructor and also served in various roles with the Order of Eastern Star.
WB Blake is a retired Chief Warrant Officer of the US Navy and served for over 22 years and is a plank owner of the USS Bainbridge, the only ship of her class and the first nuclear powered destroyer type ship in the US Navy, which was commissioned in 1962.
Henry A. Blake, Jr. passed to the celestial lodge above on December 16, 2018
R.W. Henry A. Blake, Jr.
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Worshipful Brother Henry Blake is a a two time Past Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14, most recently in 1983. Considered by many in the lodge to be a calm voice of reason and experience. After his terms of office delighted his brethren with his musical talents by being appointed musical director. A typical night at the lodge would see WB Blake playing the organ between discussions. In addition to his service as Master and Musical Director, he served the Grand Lodge as a Masonic Forum Instructor and also served in various roles with the Order of Eastern Star.
WB Blake is a retired Chief Warrant Officer of the US Navy and served for over 22 years and is a plank owner of the USS Bainbridge, the only ship of her class and the first nuclear powered destroyer type ship in the US Navy, which was commissioned in 1962.
Henry A. Blake, Jr. passed to the celestial lodge above on December 16, 2018
Eddie Pitney, Jr.
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Eddie Pitney, Jr.
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Dennis R. Moss
Dennis R. Moss
David A. Bertrand
David A. Bertrand
Francis J. West
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Francis J. West
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
James A. Dugan
James A. Dugan
R.W. Henry A. Blake, Jr.
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Worshipful Brother Henry Blake is a a two time Past Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14, most recently in 1983. Considered by many in the lodge to be a calm voice of reason and experience. After his terms of office delighted his brethren with his musical talents by being appointed musical director. A typical night at the lodge would see WB Blake playing the organ between discussions. In addition to his service as Master and Musical Director, he served the Grand Lodge as a Masonic Forum Instructor and also served in various roles with the Order of Eastern Star.
WB Blake is a retired Chief Warrant Officer of the US Navy and served for over 22 years and is a plank owner of the USS Bainbridge, the only ship of her class and the first nuclear powered destroyer type ship in the US Navy, which was commissioned in 1962.
Henry A. Blake, Jr. passed to the celestial lodge above on December 16, 2018
R.W. Henry A. Blake, Jr.
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Worshipful Brother Henry Blake is a a two time Past Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14, most recently in 1983. Considered by many in the lodge to be a calm voice of reason and experience. After his terms of office delighted his brethren with his musical talents by being appointed musical director. A typical night at the lodge would see WB Blake playing the organ between discussions. In addition to his service as Master and Musical Director, he served the Grand Lodge as a Masonic Forum Instructor and also served in various roles with the Order of Eastern Star.
WB Blake is a retired Chief Warrant Officer of the US Navy and served for over 22 years and is a plank owner of the USS Bainbridge, the only ship of her class and the first nuclear powered destroyer type ship in the US Navy, which was commissioned in 1962.
Henry A. Blake, Jr. passed to the celestial lodge above on December 16, 2018
John R. Kendrick
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
John R. Kendrick
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Curtis L. Hanks
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Curtis L. Hanks
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Clyde Bertrand
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Clyde Bertrand
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Alfred W. Ellis, Jr.
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Alfred W. Ellis, Jr.
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Peter Buiak, Jr.
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Peter Buiak, Jr.
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Eddie Pitney, Jr.
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Eddie Pitney, Jr.
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Robert W. Curry
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Robert W. Curry
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Hugh W. Clark
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Hugh W. Clark
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Clyde Bertrand
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Clyde Bertrand
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Arthur C. Mathewson
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Arthur C. Mathewson
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
E. Gerard Lathan
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
E. Gerard Lathan
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Richard C. Shepard
Passed to the Celestial Lodge
Richard C. Shepard
Passed to the Celestial Lodge
William F. Tryon
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
William F. Tryon
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Alfred W. Ellis, Jr.
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Alfred W. Ellis, Jr.
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
William H. Morse
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
William H. Morse
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Julian Collart
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Julian Collart
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
George H. Koulouvardis
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Worshipful Brother George Koulouvardis was Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 in 1960.

Like many men of St. Paul's Lodge WB George served in the US Navy where he served aboard the USS Coral Sea, one of the Navy's largest aircraft carriers. While serving he spent 3 tours in the Mediterranean and had the opportunity to visit his parent's homeland and place his family said he loved, Greece.

After his time in the Navy, he returned to Newport where he took over the family shoe business, "R.I. Shoe Repair". There had been a Koulouvardis shoe repair on Thames Street from 1920 until approximately 2013.

In addition to his Masonic career, WB George is said to have been an extreme Red Sox fan and season ticket holder, a lover of Opera, the Patriots, Newport Creamery. He was a member of St. Spyridon's Greek Orthodox Church, where he also served as Parish Council President and is the Godfather of St. Spyridon's Church.
WB George Koulouvardis passed to the Celestial Lodge on January 15, 2015.
George H. Koulouvardis
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Worshipful Brother George Koulouvardis was Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 in 1960.

Like many men of St. Paul's Lodge WB George served in the US Navy where he served aboard the USS Coral Sea, one of the Navy's largest aircraft carriers. While serving he spent 3 tours in the Mediterranean and had the opportunity to visit his parent's homeland and place his family said he loved, Greece.

After his time in the Navy, he returned to Newport where he took over the family shoe business, "R.I. Shoe Repair". There had been a Koulouvardis shoe repair on Thames Street from 1920 until approximately 2013.

In addition to his Masonic career, WB George is said to have been an extreme Red Sox fan and season ticket holder, a lover of Opera, the Patriots, Newport Creamery. He was a member of St. Spyridon's Greek Orthodox Church, where he also served as Parish Council President and is the Godfather of St. Spyridon's Church.
WB George Koulouvardis passed to the Celestial Lodge on January 15, 2015.
Roland A. Glines
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Roland A. Glines
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Peter I. Nielsen, Jr.
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Peter I. Nielsen, Jr.
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
George J. Sarellis
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
George J. Sarellis
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Alexander G. Teitz
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Alexander G. Teitz
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
William M. Allen
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
William M. Allen
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Nathan A. Estes, Jr.
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Nathan A. Estes, Jr.
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Louis E. Javelle
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Louis E. Javelle
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
R.W. George F. Ward, Jr.
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
R.W. George F. Ward, Jr.
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Alphin H. MacDonald
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Alphin H. MacDonald
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
William O. Ferry
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
William O. Ferry
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Joseph Turano
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Joseph Turano
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Frank T. Carr
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Frank T. Carr
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
John F. Tennant
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
John F. Tennant
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Everett J. Wilson
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Everett J. Wilson
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Lester H. Yeaton
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Lester H. Yeaton
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
James P. Luth
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
James P. Luth
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
John B. Edward
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
John B. Edward
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
J. Crocker Titus
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
J. Crocker Titus
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Dwight C. Hambley
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Dwight C. Hambley
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
I. Lee McCauley
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
I. Lee McCauley
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Eugene J. Blomberg
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Eugene J. Blomberg
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Reginald Hodgson
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Reginald Hodgson
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Ralph E. Brierley
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Ralph E. Brierley
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
James B. Mason
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
James B. Mason
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
John W. Thompson
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
John W. Thompson
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
M.W. George F. Ward
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
George F. Ward was a well known Mason in Newport and the State of Rhode Island, and was even elected to serve as Most Worshipful Master of the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island.
He joined St. Pauls Lodge #14 in 1912 and eventually became Master of the lodge in 1925. In addition to his role at St. Pauls and Grand Lodge, he was also Past Commander of Washington Commandery, Knights Templar, Past High Priest of the Newport Royal Arch Chapter and member of Channing Memorial Church.
In 1925, Bro. Ward was installed as Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14- which at that time listed approximately 800 members on its roll- by District Deputy Grand Master Sylvester M. Budlong with the assistance of Grand Master of Ceremonies John Jackson.
The officers for that year included:
- Senior Warden: William A. Peckham
- Junior Warden: Alister I. MacIver
- Treasurer: George B. Austin
- Secretary: Thatcher T. Bowler
- Chaplain: Rev. Stanley C. Hughes
- Senior Deacon: W. Ladd Moody
- Junior Deacon: Augustin C. Titus
- Senior Steward: Fred P. Webber
- Junior Steward: John Thomspon
- Musical Director: T. Fred Harry
- Marshal: Robert C. Ebba
- Sentinel: Walter Curry
- Tyler: James G. Swinburne
Bro. Ward continued work at Naval Torpedo Station in Newport, where he was employed for over 35 years, until his death at the age of 59.
- 1925-01-31 George F Ward St. Pauls Lodge NMP1
- 1940-05-24 Elect George F Ward NMP5
- 1944-01-21 George F Ward Passes NMP2

M.W. George F. Ward
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
George F. Ward was a well known Mason in Newport and the State of Rhode Island, and was even elected to serve as Most Worshipful Master of the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island.
He joined St. Pauls Lodge #14 in 1912 and eventually became Master of the lodge in 1925. In addition to his role at St. Pauls and Grand Lodge, he was also Past Commander of Washington Commandery, Knights Templar, Past High Priest of the Newport Royal Arch Chapter and member of Channing Memorial Church.
In 1925, Bro. Ward was installed as Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14- which at that time listed approximately 800 members on its roll- by District Deputy Grand Master Sylvester M. Budlong with the assistance of Grand Master of Ceremonies John Jackson.
The officers for that year included:
- Senior Warden: William A. Peckham
- Junior Warden: Alister I. MacIver
- Treasurer: George B. Austin
- Secretary: Thatcher T. Bowler
- Chaplain: Rev. Stanley C. Hughes
- Senior Deacon: W. Ladd Moody
- Junior Deacon: Augustin C. Titus
- Senior Steward: Fred P. Webber
- Junior Steward: John Thomspon
- Musical Director: T. Fred Harry
- Marshal: Robert C. Ebba
- Sentinel: Walter Curry
- Tyler: James G. Swinburne
Bro. Ward continued work at Naval Torpedo Station in Newport, where he was employed for over 35 years, until his death at the age of 59.
- 1925-01-31 George F Ward St. Pauls Lodge NMP1
- 1940-05-24 Elect George F Ward NMP5
- 1944-01-21 George F Ward Passes NMP2

William A. Perkins
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
William A. Perkins
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Alvah H. Sanborn
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Alvah H. Sanborn
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Robert G. Biesel
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Robert G. Biesel
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Orin M. Alger
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Orin M. Alger
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Arthur J. Ober
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Arthur J. Ober
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Benjamin F. Downing
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Benjamin F. Downing
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Donald E. Spears
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Worshipful Brother Donald E. Spears, Master of St. Pauls Lodge #14 in 1918. WB Spears was installed at St. Pauls Annual Communication by District Deputy Grand Master Norris G. Abbot, and assisted by Worshipful Master Monton W. Coombs as Master of Ceremonies. The large attendance of members included many in uniform of the United States service. After the installation a salad supper was served, music being furnished by an orchestra of Naval Reservists.
Also installed on that day was a full line of officers:
- Senior Warden - Benjamin F. Downing III
- Junior Warden - Arthur J. Ober
- Treasurer - William J. Cozzens
- Secretary - Thatcher T. Bowler
- Chaplain - Rev. William Safford Jones
- Senior Deacon - Orin M. Alger
- Junior Deacon - Robert G. Beisel
- Senior Steward - Alvah H. Sanborn
- Junior Steward - Benjamin T. White
- Marshal - Robert C. Ebbs
- Sentinel - William A. Perkins
“Under this section you will discover many of the prominent Newport Mason’s”
Donald E. Spears
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Worshipful Brother Donald E. Spears, Master of St. Pauls Lodge #14 in 1918. WB Spears was installed at St. Pauls Annual Communication by District Deputy Grand Master Norris G. Abbot, and assisted by Worshipful Master Monton W. Coombs as Master of Ceremonies. The large attendance of members included many in uniform of the United States service. After the installation a salad supper was served, music being furnished by an orchestra of Naval Reservists.
Also installed on that day was a full line of officers:
- Senior Warden - Benjamin F. Downing III
- Junior Warden - Arthur J. Ober
- Treasurer - William J. Cozzens
- Secretary - Thatcher T. Bowler
- Chaplain - Rev. William Safford Jones
- Senior Deacon - Orin M. Alger
- Junior Deacon - Robert G. Beisel
- Senior Steward - Alvah H. Sanborn
- Junior Steward - Benjamin T. White
- Marshal - Robert C. Ebbs
- Sentinel - William A. Perkins
“Under this section you will discover many of the prominent Newport Mason’s”
George B. Austin
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
George B. Austin
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
William MacLeod
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
William MacLeod
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Alexander J. MacIver
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Alexander J. MacIver
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Charles H. Gesterling
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Charles H. Gesterling
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
James P. Cozzens
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
James P. Cozzens
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Dudley P. Bacheller
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Dudley P. Bacheller
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Charles L. Adams
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Charles L. Adams
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Henry H. Lawton
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Henry H. Lawton
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Clark Burdick
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Clark Burdick
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
E. Benjamin May
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
E. Benjamin May
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
William H. Langley
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
William H. Langley
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Frederick Bradley
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Frederick Bradley
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Elmer S. Nickerson
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)
Elmer S. Nickerson
(Passed to the Celestial Lodge)

John G. Shaw, II
Brother John G. Shaw, II was elected Worshipful Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 on January 25, 2023. In addition to his duties within the lodge, Bro. Shaw is also a member of the Scottish Rite, Valley of Providence and a member of the York Rite where he continues to serve in various positions.

John G. Shaw, II
Brother John G. Shaw, II was elected Worshipful Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 on January 25, 2023. In addition to his duties within the lodge, Bro. Shaw is also a member of the Scottish Rite, Valley of Providence and a member of the York Rite where he continues to serve in various positions.

David C. Lavery
Brother David C. Lavery was elected Worshipful Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 on January 25, 2019. Prior to becoming a member of this lodge, Bro. Lavery served as Worshipful Master of St. John's Lodge #1 in Portsmouth, RI and was appointed Grand Historian for the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island. Additionally, he has also served as the Chancellor of the COLLEGIVM LVMINOSO, the research lodge of Rhode Island.
During his time in the East, the focus was on many facets of Freemasonry and highlighting many of the lost traditions and aspects of colonial masonry. Away from the Lodge, he was very active in his other responsibilities within the Jurisdiction and reaching to the brothers of St. Paul's where ever so dispersed. An avid home brewer, many of us have had the opportunity to sample his other craft and enjoy some great discussions.

David C. Lavery
Brother David C. Lavery was elected Worshipful Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 on January 25, 2019. Prior to becoming a member of this lodge, Bro. Lavery served as Worshipful Master of St. John's Lodge #1 in Portsmouth, RI and was appointed Grand Historian for the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island. Additionally, he has also served as the Chancellor of the COLLEGIVM LVMINOSO, the research lodge of Rhode Island.
During his time in the East, the focus was on many facets of Freemasonry and highlighting many of the lost traditions and aspects of colonial masonry. Away from the Lodge, he was very active in his other responsibilities within the Jurisdiction and reaching to the brothers of St. Paul's where ever so dispersed. An avid home brewer, many of us have had the opportunity to sample his other craft and enjoy some great discussions.

Joshua P. Manfredo
2018, 2020, 2021, 2025
Brother Joshua Manfredo was elected Worshipful Master in 2018, at that time, becoming the youngest Master of the lodge in it's 201 year history. His year was marked with a dedication to unity and brotherhood. With that simple goal in mind, Brother Manfredo hosted many presentations and events that tied in those values. By the end of his term, he transformed meetings to be both efficient and of great value to the brethren assembled. His favorite events included a successful summer BBQ, visitations to lodges, and participating in the several events of other lodges.
In 2020, St. Paul’s Lodge #14 elected Brother Manfredo to again take the helm of the lodge. He would soon find himself leading the lodge through the COVID-19 Pandemic. Faced with the challenges brought on by this virus, Bro. Manfredo quickly transitioned to using newer technologies to host social events and meetings. When conditions allowed for in person meetings to resume, he used his professional experience to formulate plans and procedures in order to ensure the safety of the brothers while meeting. This new format came with some challenges, however, even with reduced attendance, and limited opportunities to engage the brothers in person, Bro. Manfredo worked to continue the traditions from his first year and bring masonic light to the brothers. He reintroduced the lodge to a mentor program with the assistance of his Secretary, and worked to bring about changes to the functions of the lodge in terms of finances, education, and administrative work.
On January 25, 2021, St. Paul’s Lodge #14 again looked to Brother Manfredo to take the position of Master along with many of the existing officers. Coming off the heels of COVID-19 the lodge worked diligently to perform degree work and reinvigorate the brothers in the pursuits of the craft. St. Paul's was fortunate during this year to raise several new brothers to the degree of Master Mason, reintroduce social events, and strengthen the bonds of brotherhood. Under the administration of Bro. Manfredo, the lodge continued to improve its functioning by updating its bylaws, establishing an investigation committee under the direction of the Grand Lodge. Bro. Manfredo was also selected to continue serving (appointed in 2020) on the Grand Lodge Leadership Committee, tasked with developing education and training programs to help the future leaders of lodges in Rhode Island.
Outside of the lodge, Bro. Manfredo is an Emergency Manager with a focus in Higher Education, an avid camper, mountain biker, homebrewer and kayaker. He has served as Treasurer of the Oakland Beach Volunteer Fire Co. (social organization), Communications Committee member of SHIP, and the founder, producer, and sound editor of several podcasts.
Masonic Affiliations:
- Grand Lodge of Rhode Island Masonic Charities Board of Managers - Member (2022-2025)
- Valley of Providence, Scottish Rite (Northern Masonic Jurisdiction)
- Sword of Bunker Hill, Gaspee Chapter #99
- The Masonic Society
Coat of Arms of Bro. Joshua Manfredo
Arms: Vert, a stag, trippant regardent Argent, a quarter sun issuant sinister chief Or.
Crest: On a wreath of the colors Argent and Vert, A demi stag Argent, holding between its forelegs a brick tower Gules
Motto: Solis Ortum Conspicere

Joshua P. Manfredo
2018, 2020, 2021, 2025
Brother Joshua Manfredo was elected Worshipful Master in 2018, at that time, becoming the youngest Master of the lodge in it's 201 year history. His year was marked with a dedication to unity and brotherhood. With that simple goal in mind, Brother Manfredo hosted many presentations and events that tied in those values. By the end of his term, he transformed meetings to be both efficient and of great value to the brethren assembled. His favorite events included a successful summer BBQ, visitations to lodges, and participating in the several events of other lodges.
In 2020, St. Paul’s Lodge #14 elected Brother Manfredo to again take the helm of the lodge. He would soon find himself leading the lodge through the COVID-19 Pandemic. Faced with the challenges brought on by this virus, Bro. Manfredo quickly transitioned to using newer technologies to host social events and meetings. When conditions allowed for in person meetings to resume, he used his professional experience to formulate plans and procedures in order to ensure the safety of the brothers while meeting. This new format came with some challenges, however, even with reduced attendance, and limited opportunities to engage the brothers in person, Bro. Manfredo worked to continue the traditions from his first year and bring masonic light to the brothers. He reintroduced the lodge to a mentor program with the assistance of his Secretary, and worked to bring about changes to the functions of the lodge in terms of finances, education, and administrative work.
On January 25, 2021, St. Paul’s Lodge #14 again looked to Brother Manfredo to take the position of Master along with many of the existing officers. Coming off the heels of COVID-19 the lodge worked diligently to perform degree work and reinvigorate the brothers in the pursuits of the craft. St. Paul's was fortunate during this year to raise several new brothers to the degree of Master Mason, reintroduce social events, and strengthen the bonds of brotherhood. Under the administration of Bro. Manfredo, the lodge continued to improve its functioning by updating its bylaws, establishing an investigation committee under the direction of the Grand Lodge. Bro. Manfredo was also selected to continue serving (appointed in 2020) on the Grand Lodge Leadership Committee, tasked with developing education and training programs to help the future leaders of lodges in Rhode Island.
Outside of the lodge, Bro. Manfredo is an Emergency Manager with a focus in Higher Education, an avid camper, mountain biker, homebrewer and kayaker. He has served as Treasurer of the Oakland Beach Volunteer Fire Co. (social organization), Communications Committee member of SHIP, and the founder, producer, and sound editor of several podcasts.
Masonic Affiliations:
- Grand Lodge of Rhode Island Masonic Charities Board of Managers - Member (2022-2025)
- Valley of Providence, Scottish Rite (Northern Masonic Jurisdiction)
- Sword of Bunker Hill, Gaspee Chapter #99
- The Masonic Society
Coat of Arms of Bro. Joshua Manfredo
Arms: Vert, a stag, trippant regardent Argent, a quarter sun issuant sinister chief Or.
Crest: On a wreath of the colors Argent and Vert, A demi stag Argent, holding between its forelegs a brick tower Gules
Motto: Solis Ortum Conspicere

Charles E. O’Hara IV
2017, 2022
Charles E. O'Hara IV, was duly elected as the Worshipful Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 in 2017, which itself was an interesting year for the Lodge. The 200th anniversary of St. Paul's coincided during WB O'Hara's term in the East. Never one to miss an opportunity, the lodge held several events to celebrate the occasion. This included several building improvement projects, the commissioning of a wall painting, and a cornerstone re-dedication with clambake dinner.
In addition to his membership of St. Paul's, O'Hara is a 32nd degree Scottish Rite and likes to assist as much as possible in their programs. A resident of Newport, RI, Charles is not hard to miss, he can usually be seen assisting in the kitchen and welcoming the new brethren into the lodge. His interest include real estate holdings and collecting antique music pieces as well as the music itself.

Charles E. O’Hara IV
2017, 2022
Charles E. O'Hara IV, was duly elected as the Worshipful Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 in 2017, which itself was an interesting year for the Lodge. The 200th anniversary of St. Paul's coincided during WB O'Hara's term in the East. Never one to miss an opportunity, the lodge held several events to celebrate the occasion. This included several building improvement projects, the commissioning of a wall painting, and a cornerstone re-dedication with clambake dinner.
In addition to his membership of St. Paul's, O'Hara is a 32nd degree Scottish Rite and likes to assist as much as possible in their programs. A resident of Newport, RI, Charles is not hard to miss, he can usually be seen assisting in the kitchen and welcoming the new brethren into the lodge. His interest include real estate holdings and collecting antique music pieces as well as the music itself.

Andrew Daigle
Brother Andrew Daigle was elected Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 for 2016. During his time in the East, Worshipful Brother Daigle oversaw several degrees including 2 Entered Apprentice Degrees and a joint Master Mason degree with St. Alban's Lodge #6. In preparation for the Lodge's 200th anniversary, he set the stage by appointing an active committee to put plans in place and to mark the historic occasion. Many of the programs for the Lodge included spreading light on the Masonic Restoration Movement and by-laws and constitution of the Grand Lodge. Outside of the Lodge, he graciously hosted a BBQ at his home and directed that several social functions take place to bring the brethren together.
In addition to St. Paul's Lodge, WB Daigle is a member of St. Alban's Lodge #6 and St. John's Lodge #1. Past Assistant Grand Lecturer, and a member of concordant bodies.

Andrew Daigle
Brother Andrew Daigle was elected Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 for 2016. During his time in the East, Worshipful Brother Daigle oversaw several degrees including 2 Entered Apprentice Degrees and a joint Master Mason degree with St. Alban's Lodge #6. In preparation for the Lodge's 200th anniversary, he set the stage by appointing an active committee to put plans in place and to mark the historic occasion. Many of the programs for the Lodge included spreading light on the Masonic Restoration Movement and by-laws and constitution of the Grand Lodge. Outside of the Lodge, he graciously hosted a BBQ at his home and directed that several social functions take place to bring the brethren together.
In addition to St. Paul's Lodge, WB Daigle is a member of St. Alban's Lodge #6 and St. John's Lodge #1. Past Assistant Grand Lecturer, and a member of concordant bodies.

David A. Brown
David A. Brown, elected Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 for 2015, brought in continued excitement and youth into the lodge. During his tenure, work was continued on building upgrades including kitchen equipment, painting and building repairs. Worshipful Brother Dave presided over several degree conferments and saw a rise in applications to join St. Paul's Lodge.
WB Brown once had aspirations as a baseball player before an injury sidelined him. However, that hasn't stopped his zeal in helping the lodge.

David A. Brown
David A. Brown, elected Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 for 2015, brought in continued excitement and youth into the lodge. During his tenure, work was continued on building upgrades including kitchen equipment, painting and building repairs. Worshipful Brother Dave presided over several degree conferments and saw a rise in applications to join St. Paul's Lodge.
WB Brown once had aspirations as a baseball player before an injury sidelined him. However, that hasn't stopped his zeal in helping the lodge.

JC Redfearn
2013 - 2014
JC Redfearn was elected Worshipful Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 in 2013. Rising through the chairs rapidly, W.B. Redfearn brought revitalized energy and excitement to St. Paul's. Among many things, he set the craft to work on many building improvements including roof repairs and new kitchen appliances. New life and new members brought into the lodge during his time in the East has made St. Paul's a fun and enjoyable lodge to be part of. One of JC's greatest accomplishments brought St. Paul's into the digital age by creating its first official website.
WB Redfearn is a regular in the lodge and often assists in the upkeep of the exterior including clearing the grounds of snow and other projects.

JC Redfearn
2013 - 2014
JC Redfearn was elected Worshipful Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 in 2013. Rising through the chairs rapidly, W.B. Redfearn brought revitalized energy and excitement to St. Paul's. Among many things, he set the craft to work on many building improvements including roof repairs and new kitchen appliances. New life and new members brought into the lodge during his time in the East has made St. Paul's a fun and enjoyable lodge to be part of. One of JC's greatest accomplishments brought St. Paul's into the digital age by creating its first official website.
WB Redfearn is a regular in the lodge and often assists in the upkeep of the exterior including clearing the grounds of snow and other projects.

Steven Eng
2009 - 2012
Worshipful Brother Steve Eng is one of the longest serving Past Masters of St. Paul's. During his time in the East he had a simple goal of promoting and supporting our gentle craft as well as raising quality Master Masons that would stand the test of time and ensure the continuity of our fraternity. One of the achievements during WB Eng's term was the creation of the Alfred Ellis Fund which was designed to support the children of the East Bay District in regards to educational material such as school books.
Most of the officers that served with WB Steve Eng are still rotating through the chairs and include Worshipful Brother JC Redfearn, Bro. Charles O'Hara, and Worshipful Dave Brown, just to name a few. It should be noted that during his tenure he was often seen cooking meals for the meetings including the dinner served on the night he was elected to Worshipful Master. From chicken pot pie to filet mignon, the comforts of a fresh meal prepared in house provided a nice backdrop to the fellowship among the brothers in the dining hall.
In addition to his blue lodge, WB Eng is a member of the Scottish Rite and R.I. Shriners, he often visited other lodges throughout this Grand Jurisdiction and continues to be an active member of St. Paul's #14

Steven Eng
2009 - 2012
Worshipful Brother Steve Eng is one of the longest serving Past Masters of St. Paul's. During his time in the East he had a simple goal of promoting and supporting our gentle craft as well as raising quality Master Masons that would stand the test of time and ensure the continuity of our fraternity. One of the achievements during WB Eng's term was the creation of the Alfred Ellis Fund which was designed to support the children of the East Bay District in regards to educational material such as school books.
Most of the officers that served with WB Steve Eng are still rotating through the chairs and include Worshipful Brother JC Redfearn, Bro. Charles O'Hara, and Worshipful Dave Brown, just to name a few. It should be noted that during his tenure he was often seen cooking meals for the meetings including the dinner served on the night he was elected to Worshipful Master. From chicken pot pie to filet mignon, the comforts of a fresh meal prepared in house provided a nice backdrop to the fellowship among the brothers in the dining hall.
In addition to his blue lodge, WB Eng is a member of the Scottish Rite and R.I. Shriners, he often visited other lodges throughout this Grand Jurisdiction and continues to be an active member of St. Paul's #14

Gary R. Frye

Gary R. Frye

Norman E. Hitchcock

Norman E. Hitchcock

Gardner C. Sconyers, Jr.
Worshipful Brother Gardner "Cy" Sconyers was born in Handley, TX where he eventually joined the U.S. Navy serving in Korea and elsewhere during his career. Of note, Cy, was involved in the recovery mission of the USS Thresher. Many may remember Thresher as the fastest, quietest submarine in the world when it was built, however, tragically it was lost on April 9, 1963. After his time serving in the Navy, he continued through the Merchant Marines before ultimately working at NUSC (Now NUWC, Newport). Here he helped to develop the Mark 48 torpedo program, and many engineers who knew Cy can trace their work back to his.
Since being raised a Master Mason in 1982, Cy had always maintained a very active presence, serving as the Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 twice and also the Scottish Rite, where he was coroneted a 33 degree, one of the highest honors of the Scottish Rite, as well as St. John's Commandery Knights Templar.
In addition to his masonic duties, Cy was also active as a volunteer with the Newport Little League and a member of St. George's Episcopal Church (Newport).
Worshipful Brother Sconyers left quite a mark on the members of St. Paul's Lodge #14 and we are proud to have had him as a member of our lodge.

Gardner C. Sconyers, Jr.
Worshipful Brother Gardner "Cy" Sconyers was born in Handley, TX where he eventually joined the U.S. Navy serving in Korea and elsewhere during his career. Of note, Cy, was involved in the recovery mission of the USS Thresher. Many may remember Thresher as the fastest, quietest submarine in the world when it was built, however, tragically it was lost on April 9, 1963. After his time serving in the Navy, he continued through the Merchant Marines before ultimately working at NUSC (Now NUWC, Newport). Here he helped to develop the Mark 48 torpedo program, and many engineers who knew Cy can trace their work back to his.
Since being raised a Master Mason in 1982, Cy had always maintained a very active presence, serving as the Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 twice and also the Scottish Rite, where he was coroneted a 33 degree, one of the highest honors of the Scottish Rite, as well as St. John's Commandery Knights Templar.
In addition to his masonic duties, Cy was also active as a volunteer with the Newport Little League and a member of St. George's Episcopal Church (Newport).
Worshipful Brother Sconyers left quite a mark on the members of St. Paul's Lodge #14 and we are proud to have had him as a member of our lodge.

Alfred W. Ellis, Jr.

Alfred W. Ellis, Jr.

R.W. John C. Beebe, lll

R.W. John C. Beebe, lll

Larry Dennis
2002 - 2003

Larry Dennis
2002 - 2003

Job A Palaya
Worshipful Brother Job Palaya was Master of St. Paul's in 2001, in addition to being a Past Master of St. Paul's #14, he is also a Past Master of St. John's #1 in Portsmouth.
Always positive and full of energy, many of WB Job's stories are from his naval past, serving aboard many different ships and the Navy Base in Newport, RI. A real traveler Job has been to many overseas lodges including those in the Philippines where he maintains a healthy relationship.
Truly a Master Mason, WB Job continues to work in support of the craft in whatever capacity that is required, he has served as a officer of the lodge not only in his initial line, but for many of the Masters after him.

Job A Palaya
Worshipful Brother Job Palaya was Master of St. Paul's in 2001, in addition to being a Past Master of St. Paul's #14, he is also a Past Master of St. John's #1 in Portsmouth.
Always positive and full of energy, many of WB Job's stories are from his naval past, serving aboard many different ships and the Navy Base in Newport, RI. A real traveler Job has been to many overseas lodges including those in the Philippines where he maintains a healthy relationship.
Truly a Master Mason, WB Job continues to work in support of the craft in whatever capacity that is required, he has served as a officer of the lodge not only in his initial line, but for many of the Masters after him.

Donald E. Sly, Jr.
1999 - 2000

Donald E. Sly, Jr.
1999 - 2000

Daniel P. Titus
1998, 2024
Brother Daniel P. Titus was first elected Worshipful Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 in 1998 following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather who also once sat in the East. In addition to serving as Master of St. Paul's Lodge, Bro. Titus also has the distinction of serving as a Master of the oldest lodge in Rhode Island, St. John's Lodge #1.
His dedication to the craft brought him back when called to serve a second term as Master for 2024.

Daniel P. Titus
1998, 2024
Brother Daniel P. Titus was first elected Worshipful Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 in 1998 following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather who also once sat in the East. In addition to serving as Master of St. Paul's Lodge, Bro. Titus also has the distinction of serving as a Master of the oldest lodge in Rhode Island, St. John's Lodge #1.
His dedication to the craft brought him back when called to serve a second term as Master for 2024.

John R. Titus

John R. Titus

James E. Hilton

James E. Hilton

John R. Titus

John R. Titus

Gardner C. Sconyers, Jr.
Worshipful Brother Gardner "Cy" Sconyers was born in Handley, TX where he eventually joined the U.S. Navy serving in Korea and elsewhere during his career. Of note, Cy, was involved in the recovery mission of the USS Thresher. Many may remember Thresher as the fastest, quietest submarine in the world when it was built, however, tragically it was lost on April 9, 1963. After his time serving in the Navy, he continued through the Merchant Marines before ultimately working at NUSC (Now NUWC, Newport). Here he helped to develop the Mark 48 torpedo program, and many engineers who knew Cy can trace their work back to his.
Since being raised a Master Mason in 1982, Cy had always maintained a very active presence, serving as the Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 twice and also the Scottish Rite, where he was coroneted a 33 degree, one of the highest honors of the Scottish Rite, as well as St. John's Commandery Knights Templar.
In addition to his masonic duties, Cy was also active as a volunteer with the Newport Little League and a member of St. George's Episcopal Church (Newport).
Worshipful Brother Sconyers left quite a mark on the members of St. Paul's Lodge #14 and we are proud to have had him as a member of our lodge.

Gardner C. Sconyers, Jr.
Worshipful Brother Gardner "Cy" Sconyers was born in Handley, TX where he eventually joined the U.S. Navy serving in Korea and elsewhere during his career. Of note, Cy, was involved in the recovery mission of the USS Thresher. Many may remember Thresher as the fastest, quietest submarine in the world when it was built, however, tragically it was lost on April 9, 1963. After his time serving in the Navy, he continued through the Merchant Marines before ultimately working at NUSC (Now NUWC, Newport). Here he helped to develop the Mark 48 torpedo program, and many engineers who knew Cy can trace their work back to his.
Since being raised a Master Mason in 1982, Cy had always maintained a very active presence, serving as the Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 twice and also the Scottish Rite, where he was coroneted a 33 degree, one of the highest honors of the Scottish Rite, as well as St. John's Commandery Knights Templar.
In addition to his masonic duties, Cy was also active as a volunteer with the Newport Little League and a member of St. George's Episcopal Church (Newport).
Worshipful Brother Sconyers left quite a mark on the members of St. Paul's Lodge #14 and we are proud to have had him as a member of our lodge.

R.W. David Melosh

R.W. David Melosh

Clyde Bertrand

Clyde Bertrand

Gary R. Frye

Gary R. Frye

R.W. Alfred M. Cameron
Brother Alfred M. Cameron was elected Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 on January 25, 1990. After his term in the East, Brother Cameron eventually became Chaplain of St. Paul's Lodge for many years and in fact served as the Associate Grand Chaplain within the East Bay District. He was affectionately dubbed "Everyone's Chaplain" as there was rarely Stated Communication in which Bro. Cameron was not in attendance.
Brother Cameron served in the US Navy beginning in 1956 and received an honorable discharge in February 1963. After which he went to work for Electric Boat for another 21 years. He was a choir member of his church, a Eucharistic Minister, and belonged to not just St. Paul's Lodge, but also a member of the Royal Arch Masons, Web Council #3, and Calvary Commandery #13 Knights Templar.

R.W. Alfred M. Cameron
Brother Alfred M. Cameron was elected Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 on January 25, 1990. After his term in the East, Brother Cameron eventually became Chaplain of St. Paul's Lodge for many years and in fact served as the Associate Grand Chaplain within the East Bay District. He was affectionately dubbed "Everyone's Chaplain" as there was rarely Stated Communication in which Bro. Cameron was not in attendance.
Brother Cameron served in the US Navy beginning in 1956 and received an honorable discharge in February 1963. After which he went to work for Electric Boat for another 21 years. He was a choir member of his church, a Eucharistic Minister, and belonged to not just St. Paul's Lodge, but also a member of the Royal Arch Masons, Web Council #3, and Calvary Commandery #13 Knights Templar.

Dennis R. Moss

Dennis R. Moss

William T. Swartz

William T. Swartz

Gary R. Frye

Gary R. Frye

Charl R.W. Davidson

Charl R.W. Davidson

Charles A. Foutz, lll
1984 - 1985
Bro. Foutz was initiated on February 4, 1975, Passed to the degree of Fellowcraft on March 4, 1975, and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on April 1, 1975 and signed the bylaws of this lodge on May 6, 1975. Bro. Foutz served as Master from January 25, 1984 and served two consecutive terms. He also affiliated with St. Johns' Lodge #1 on March 12, 1984

Charles A. Foutz, lll
1984 - 1985
Bro. Foutz was initiated on February 4, 1975, Passed to the degree of Fellowcraft on March 4, 1975, and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on April 1, 1975 and signed the bylaws of this lodge on May 6, 1975. Bro. Foutz served as Master from January 25, 1984 and served two consecutive terms. He also affiliated with St. Johns' Lodge #1 on March 12, 1984

R.W. Henry A. Blake, Jr.
Worshipful Brother Henry Blake is a a two time Past Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14, most recently in 1983. Considered by many in the lodge to be a calm voice of reason and experience. After his terms of office delighted his brethren with his musical talents by being appointed musical director. A typical night at the lodge would see WB Blake playing the organ between discussions. In addition to his service as Master and Musical Director, he served the Grand Lodge as a Masonic Forum Instructor and also served in various roles with the Order of Eastern Star.
WB Blake is a retired Chief Warrant Officer of the US Navy and served for over 22 years and is a plank owner of the USS Bainbridge, the only ship of her class and the first nuclear powered destroyer type ship in the US Navy, which was commissioned in 1962.
Henry A. Blake, Jr. passed to the celestial lodge above on December 16, 2018

R.W. Henry A. Blake, Jr.
Worshipful Brother Henry Blake is a a two time Past Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14, most recently in 1983. Considered by many in the lodge to be a calm voice of reason and experience. After his terms of office delighted his brethren with his musical talents by being appointed musical director. A typical night at the lodge would see WB Blake playing the organ between discussions. In addition to his service as Master and Musical Director, he served the Grand Lodge as a Masonic Forum Instructor and also served in various roles with the Order of Eastern Star.
WB Blake is a retired Chief Warrant Officer of the US Navy and served for over 22 years and is a plank owner of the USS Bainbridge, the only ship of her class and the first nuclear powered destroyer type ship in the US Navy, which was commissioned in 1962.
Henry A. Blake, Jr. passed to the celestial lodge above on December 16, 2018

Eddie Pitney, Jr.

Eddie Pitney, Jr.

Dennis R. Moss

Dennis R. Moss

David A. Bertrand

David A. Bertrand

Francis J. West

Francis J. West

James A. Dugan

James A. Dugan

R.W. Henry A. Blake, Jr.
Worshipful Brother Henry Blake is a a two time Past Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14, most recently in 1983. Considered by many in the lodge to be a calm voice of reason and experience. After his terms of office delighted his brethren with his musical talents by being appointed musical director. A typical night at the lodge would see WB Blake playing the organ between discussions. In addition to his service as Master and Musical Director, he served the Grand Lodge as a Masonic Forum Instructor and also served in various roles with the Order of Eastern Star.
WB Blake is a retired Chief Warrant Officer of the US Navy and served for over 22 years and is a plank owner of the USS Bainbridge, the only ship of her class and the first nuclear powered destroyer type ship in the US Navy, which was commissioned in 1962.
Henry A. Blake, Jr. passed to the celestial lodge above on December 16, 2018

R.W. Henry A. Blake, Jr.
Worshipful Brother Henry Blake is a a two time Past Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14, most recently in 1983. Considered by many in the lodge to be a calm voice of reason and experience. After his terms of office delighted his brethren with his musical talents by being appointed musical director. A typical night at the lodge would see WB Blake playing the organ between discussions. In addition to his service as Master and Musical Director, he served the Grand Lodge as a Masonic Forum Instructor and also served in various roles with the Order of Eastern Star.
WB Blake is a retired Chief Warrant Officer of the US Navy and served for over 22 years and is a plank owner of the USS Bainbridge, the only ship of her class and the first nuclear powered destroyer type ship in the US Navy, which was commissioned in 1962.
Henry A. Blake, Jr. passed to the celestial lodge above on December 16, 2018

John R. Kendrick

John R. Kendrick

Curtis L. Hanks

Curtis L. Hanks

Clyde Bertrand

Clyde Bertrand

Alfred W. Ellis, Jr.

Alfred W. Ellis, Jr.

Peter Buiak, Jr.

Peter Buiak, Jr.

Eddie Pitney, Jr.

Eddie Pitney, Jr.

Robert W. Curry

Robert W. Curry

Hugh W. Clark

Hugh W. Clark

Clyde Bertrand

Clyde Bertrand

Arthur C. Mathewson

Arthur C. Mathewson

E. Gerard Lathan

E. Gerard Lathan

Richard C. Shepard

Richard C. Shepard

William F. Tryon

William F. Tryon

Alfred W. Ellis, Jr.

Alfred W. Ellis, Jr.

William H. Morse

William H. Morse

Julian Collart

Julian Collart

George H. Koulouvardis
Worshipful Brother George Koulouvardis was Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 in 1960.
Like many men of St. Paul's Lodge WB George served in the US Navy where he served aboard the USS Coral Sea, one of the Navy's largest aircraft carriers. While serving he spent 3 tours in the Mediterranean and had the opportunity to visit his parent's homeland and place his family said he loved, Greece.
After his time in the Navy, he returned to Newport where he took over the family shoe business, "R.I. Shoe Repair". There had been a Koulouvardis shoe repair on Thames Street from 1920 until approximately 2013.
In addition to his Masonic career, WB George is said to have been an extreme Red Sox fan and season ticket holder, a lover of Opera, the Patriots, Newport Creamery. He was a member of St. Spyridon's Greek Orthodox Church, where he also served as Parish Council President and is the Godfather of St. Spyridon's Church.
WB George Koulouvardis passed to the Celestial Lodge on January 15, 2015.

George H. Koulouvardis
Worshipful Brother George Koulouvardis was Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 in 1960.
Like many men of St. Paul's Lodge WB George served in the US Navy where he served aboard the USS Coral Sea, one of the Navy's largest aircraft carriers. While serving he spent 3 tours in the Mediterranean and had the opportunity to visit his parent's homeland and place his family said he loved, Greece.
After his time in the Navy, he returned to Newport where he took over the family shoe business, "R.I. Shoe Repair". There had been a Koulouvardis shoe repair on Thames Street from 1920 until approximately 2013.
In addition to his Masonic career, WB George is said to have been an extreme Red Sox fan and season ticket holder, a lover of Opera, the Patriots, Newport Creamery. He was a member of St. Spyridon's Greek Orthodox Church, where he also served as Parish Council President and is the Godfather of St. Spyridon's Church.
WB George Koulouvardis passed to the Celestial Lodge on January 15, 2015.

Roland A. Glines

Roland A. Glines

Peter I. Nielsen, Jr.

Peter I. Nielsen, Jr.

George J. Sarellis

George J. Sarellis

Alexander G. Teitz

Alexander G. Teitz

William M. Allen

William M. Allen

Nathan A. Estes, Jr.

Nathan A. Estes, Jr.

Louis E. Javelle

Louis E. Javelle

R.W. George F. Ward, Jr.

R.W. George F. Ward, Jr.

Alphin H. MacDonald

Alphin H. MacDonald

William O. Ferry

William O. Ferry

Joseph Turano

Joseph Turano

Frank T. Carr

Frank T. Carr

John F. Tennant

John F. Tennant

Everett J. Wilson

Everett J. Wilson

Lester H. Yeaton

Lester H. Yeaton

James P. Luth

James P. Luth

John B. Edward

John B. Edward

J. Crocker Titus

J. Crocker Titus

Dwight C. Hambley

Dwight C. Hambley

I. Lee McCauley

I. Lee McCauley

Eugene J. Blomberg

Eugene J. Blomberg

Reginald Hodgson

Reginald Hodgson

Ralph E. Brierley

Ralph E. Brierley

James B. Mason

James B. Mason

John W. Thompson

John W. Thompson

M.W. George F. Ward
George F. Ward was a well known Mason in Newport and the State of Rhode Island, and was even elected to serve as Most Worshipful Master of the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island.
He joined St. Pauls Lodge #14 in 1912 and eventually became Master of the lodge in 1925. In addition to his role at St. Pauls and Grand Lodge, he was also Past Commander of Washington Commandery, Knights Templar, Past High Priest of the Newport Royal Arch Chapter and member of Channing Memorial Church.
In 1925, Bro. Ward was installed as Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14- which at that time listed approximately 800 members on its roll- by District Deputy Grand Master Sylvester M. Budlong with the assistance of Grand Master of Ceremonies John Jackson.
The officers for that year included:
- Senior Warden: William A. Peckham
- Junior Warden: Alister I. MacIver
- Treasurer: George B. Austin
- Secretary: Thatcher T. Bowler
- Chaplain: Rev. Stanley C. Hughes
- Senior Deacon: W. Ladd Moody
- Junior Deacon: Augustin C. Titus
- Senior Steward: Fred P. Webber
- Junior Steward: John Thomspon
- Musical Director: T. Fred Harry
- Marshal: Robert C. Ebba
- Sentinel: Walter Curry
- Tyler: James G. Swinburne
Bro. Ward continued work at Naval Torpedo Station in Newport, where he was employed for over 35 years, until his death at the age of 59.
- 1925-01-31 George F Ward St. Pauls Lodge NMP1
- 1940-05-24 Elect George F Ward NMP5
- 1944-01-21 George F Ward Passes NMP2

M.W. George F. Ward
George F. Ward was a well known Mason in Newport and the State of Rhode Island, and was even elected to serve as Most Worshipful Master of the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island.
He joined St. Pauls Lodge #14 in 1912 and eventually became Master of the lodge in 1925. In addition to his role at St. Pauls and Grand Lodge, he was also Past Commander of Washington Commandery, Knights Templar, Past High Priest of the Newport Royal Arch Chapter and member of Channing Memorial Church.
In 1925, Bro. Ward was installed as Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14- which at that time listed approximately 800 members on its roll- by District Deputy Grand Master Sylvester M. Budlong with the assistance of Grand Master of Ceremonies John Jackson.
The officers for that year included:
- Senior Warden: William A. Peckham
- Junior Warden: Alister I. MacIver
- Treasurer: George B. Austin
- Secretary: Thatcher T. Bowler
- Chaplain: Rev. Stanley C. Hughes
- Senior Deacon: W. Ladd Moody
- Junior Deacon: Augustin C. Titus
- Senior Steward: Fred P. Webber
- Junior Steward: John Thomspon
- Musical Director: T. Fred Harry
- Marshal: Robert C. Ebba
- Sentinel: Walter Curry
- Tyler: James G. Swinburne
Bro. Ward continued work at Naval Torpedo Station in Newport, where he was employed for over 35 years, until his death at the age of 59.
- 1925-01-31 George F Ward St. Pauls Lodge NMP1
- 1940-05-24 Elect George F Ward NMP5
- 1944-01-21 George F Ward Passes NMP2

William A. Perkins

William A. Perkins

Alvah H. Sanborn

Alvah H. Sanborn

Robert G. Biesel

Robert G. Biesel

Orin M. Alger

Orin M. Alger

Arthur J. Ober

Arthur J. Ober

Benjamin F. Downing

Benjamin F. Downing

Donald E. Spears
Worshipful Brother Donald E. Spears, Master of St. Pauls Lodge #14 in 1918. WB Spears was installed at St. Pauls Annual Communication by District Deputy Grand Master Norris G. Abbot, and assisted by Worshipful Master Monton W. Coombs as Master of Ceremonies. The large attendance of members included many in uniform of the United States service. After the installation a salad supper was served, music being furnished by an orchestra of Naval Reservists.
Also installed on that day was a full line of officers:
- Senior Warden - Benjamin F. Downing III
- Junior Warden - Arthur J. Ober
- Treasurer - William J. Cozzens
- Secretary - Thatcher T. Bowler
- Chaplain - Rev. William Safford Jones
- Senior Deacon - Orin M. Alger
- Junior Deacon - Robert G. Beisel
- Senior Steward - Alvah H. Sanborn
- Junior Steward - Benjamin T. White
- Marshal - Robert C. Ebbs
- Sentinel - William A. Perkins
“Under this section you will discover many of the prominent Newport Mason’s”

Donald E. Spears
Worshipful Brother Donald E. Spears, Master of St. Pauls Lodge #14 in 1918. WB Spears was installed at St. Pauls Annual Communication by District Deputy Grand Master Norris G. Abbot, and assisted by Worshipful Master Monton W. Coombs as Master of Ceremonies. The large attendance of members included many in uniform of the United States service. After the installation a salad supper was served, music being furnished by an orchestra of Naval Reservists.
Also installed on that day was a full line of officers:
- Senior Warden - Benjamin F. Downing III
- Junior Warden - Arthur J. Ober
- Treasurer - William J. Cozzens
- Secretary - Thatcher T. Bowler
- Chaplain - Rev. William Safford Jones
- Senior Deacon - Orin M. Alger
- Junior Deacon - Robert G. Beisel
- Senior Steward - Alvah H. Sanborn
- Junior Steward - Benjamin T. White
- Marshal - Robert C. Ebbs
- Sentinel - William A. Perkins
“Under this section you will discover many of the prominent Newport Mason’s”

George B. Austin

George B. Austin

William MacLeod

William MacLeod

Alexander J. MacIver

Alexander J. MacIver

Charles H. Gesterling

Charles H. Gesterling

James P. Cozzens

James P. Cozzens

Dudley P. Bacheller

Dudley P. Bacheller

Charles L. Adams

Charles L. Adams

Henry H. Lawton

Henry H. Lawton

Clark Burdick

Clark Burdick

E. Benjamin May

E. Benjamin May

William H. Langley

William H. Langley

Frederick Bradley

Frederick Bradley

Elmer S. Nickerson