Andrew Daigle
Brother Andrew Daigle was elected Master of St. Paul's Lodge #14 for 2016. During his time in the East, Worshipful Brother Daigle oversaw several degrees including 2 Entered Apprentice Degrees and a joint Master Mason degree with St. Alban's Lodge #6. In preparation for the Lodge's 200th anniversary, he set the stage by appointing an active committee to put plans in place and to mark the historic occasion. Many of the programs for the Lodge included spreading light on the Masonic Restoration Movement and by-laws and constitution of the Grand Lodge. Outside of the Lodge, he graciously hosted a BBQ at his home and directed that several social functions take place to bring the brethren together.
In addition to St. Paul's Lodge, WB Daigle is a member of St. Alban's Lodge #6 and St. John's Lodge #1. Past Assistant Grand Lecturer, and a member of concordant bodies.